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Restoration: A Transformative Journey after Heartbreak



Dorothy D. Ward wrote this book to bring awareness and a resolution to a prevalent issue plaguing the body of Christ: the issue of heartbreak. Dorothy believes there are entirely too many Christians on the sidelines of life -- rendered virtually ineffective in ministry because they are currently trapped in a cycle of hurt.  So often, matters of the heart are looked upon as something both inevitable and generally insignificant. The expectation is that because most people will experience heartbreak at some point in their lives, they may as well learn to deal with its ramifications. However, based upon personal experience, Dorothy realized that heartbreak can be an extremely significant event. In fact, it was quite a pivotal moment in her life.


Some people have the ability to come back from their experience stronger, wiser, and better than ever. Others are not as successful in rebounding and their lives begin a destructible path as a result of their painful situation. The direction in which our lives take after experiencing heartbreak depends greatly upon our willingness to recognize there is a process that must take place before we can engage in a new relationship. This book explores that process and offers practical tips to help the reader through it.


It is Dorothy's prayer that this book will be the beginning of the reader's deliverance and healing from the painful stronghold of heartbreak.

© 2014-23 by DOROTHY D. WARD. 

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